Jun 17, 2009

Smelly Durian

Durian here and there, and it's damn smelly.

My Family has been buying durian back to eat for the pass 1 week, and my mum is sick due to the heatness. I never join them, because i find durian smelly, gosh. I used to eat them, but two years back i find it smelly and never since touch it.

This photo above is found near my block, people are so inconsiderate by throwing durian shell on the floor after eating causing a big mess near the void deck. And not only that, the smell was horrible.

Don't ask me why i hate durian, i jus hate it, i only can accept it when it comes in cake or ice cream form, but normally i won't eat it. So my family enjoying away, i'm suffering by smelling it, yewwwwwww!!!

Woke up at 8am today, cause i need to download my previous video out for that Eileen Goh to watch as a tour facilitator. Check my mail, and found out today must hand up FSP, so i send out my work to the teacher le.

Going to prepare myself to go chek jawa le, should i wear bermudas? hmm, i scare got alot of mosquito bite sia. hahaha.. ok, i shall wear bermudas.

Finally i refurnished my blog le, it's been year i think since i refurnished my blog, because it's a very tedious process to change the skins and arrange everything in what you want. But i still manage to do it, do support my new skin blog ya. (:


FUBdesigns™ said...


These fruits dont smell bad, only strong.

Don't tell me ur becoming Ang Moh.

FUBdesigns™ said...

oh, its me. zuld.

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