Sep 9, 2010

Seoul garden Lunch (:

While others have stop completely on blogging, i continue my journey in blogging. I have stray for awhile, but still back on track with more. hahahah.

Today went to school  to have my India Immersion Programme 2nd Briefing. Woke up at 9.45am in the morning to take a wee, then mum was talking to me when i go out of my room.

Mum: You today never go back school?
Me: Thinking that i have no more exam so no need to go school.
Me: Then when i went back to bed, i was like Ya hor! Having India Briefing! So i got out of bed immediately. 

Prepare myself, and reach the school ard 11.10am, which was 10 mins late. But the room haven't even open yet but teacher was outside distributing the OIP t-shirt, which was design by me. Hopefully, you know, they like it and will wear even after OIP.

I spend alot of time designing that T-shirt, the teacher have high expectation, so i need to follow that expectation. Hmm. Even though i'm busy with YOG on that time of submitting the blue print.

After the briefing, i went to woodlands to meet Yong Jie. Waited for him in the library, then i went to Seoul Garden with him. Ate for like 2 and a half hour with him, chatted and eat at the same time. After which we went to Republic poly, he was studying accounting while i was playing with my lap top. hahaha. Just accompany him, since he accompany when i was going to have my exam. (:

Yong jie and i have been friend for 9 years and still counting, even though he has alot of nonsense, but still a good friend to me. hahahaha

Another 6 more days, i will be flying off to India. Hopefully everything goes on fine, and hopefully i will do well for my modules there (: Ciaoz.


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