May 17, 2011

Crusade against Chlorine

No editing, no photoshop, the photo above was taken by me purely with my camera. Was the water coming out from the tap, tea? If not then what is it?

This photo was taken when the motor filter break down in the guest house which leads to the muddy water coming out from the tap.

Here's is the video I took to prove that the photo is not a make up piece of "Art"

This is what happens when there's is no electricity, so what's comes to people's mind?

Chlorine, so cheap that it is available everywhere in India. If you ask anyone what does this chlorine does? They will tell you they kill bacteria sir, in the water.

Suraj: So where does this Chlorine used?
Stranger A: Swimming pool sir.
Stranger B: Swimming pool sir.
Stranger C: My house sir, my wife use it to bleach the clothes
Stranger D (Wearing a formal suit): This is nothing useful, it's just a poison.

Suraj: Kyu? Stranger D.
Stranger D: This...This..This is used in many water purifier in India. Aur..Aur.. it causes cancer.

Stranger A,B,C: Kya?!!

Suraj: How did you know that?
Stranger D: I heard from my relative years ago.

Stranger A: You aren't serious? This is found in water purifier?
Stranger B: No way man!
Stranger C: I been drinking water + bleach?

I was in a water business few years back, so i kind of understand how this water purifiers works, in Singapore, in new zealand but not in India.

In Singapore, as I know they buy water from Malaysia, and this water are transfuse in the pipe that build across this two countries. This pipe is there for many years, they don't change it because it will cost a boom, so what they did? They add chlorine to the water to kill bacteria in the water, and that's the best way. In Singapore, perhaps it's a small country, and they have this sewage treatment so they said that water that passed to the hand of anyone in the country, is chlorine-free.

But what about India? Is it chlorine-free too?

My answer is: Nahi! It's not chlorine-free!

Maybe you are using the right water purifier that does not generate chlorine while filtering the water, but out of the 100% you may belong to that 10% that is informed and takes up precautions. How about the 90% of the population? Let them die with cancer? And let them cry among themselves, asking why?

You can do it better bhai! People! Brothers!

What you should do?

1. Don't think that, it's a waste of money to buy a reverse osmosis filter, they have those that doesn't need electricity to operate and they comes with inbuilt carbon filter to filter those chlorine.

Still thinking you shouldn't waste that kind of money? Then think again? Would you want to save that money of not buying this Reverse osmosis filter? or save that money for your medical bill that in the end you may not find a cure.

2. Pass on your water knowledge to your family and close one, word of mouth is the fastest advertising tool human has ever invented. Please pass on the right information and not the wrong one!

3. Too confuse on the information provided on the net? Read this article which is provided by Bejon Misha's Healthy you foundation. Click Here

Millions of Indians poison their own families everyday. This post is written to Join "The Healthy You Foundation" IN CONJUNCTION with Indibloggers in the crusade against chlorine and I've let MY blog save lives HAVE YOU?

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