Jun 17, 2009

A day at Chek Jawa

Went to Chek Jawa today, and i'm suppose to meet them at bus 29 at 11.20am. I reach tampines at 10.50am and this eileen goh thought i got nothng better to do she tell me to go buy chek jawa guide because she never read the notes for chek jawa.

So i went to times at T1, this is the first time i been there since it open for a while. Went to Times, and search for that book, but that book don't exist in times.

So i went over to Popular at TM, to search for that book, popular staff say that , that book has not been in the store for a while le.

Then after searching i went with lao gong to meet the rest at bus 29. They were late. After all came we went to changi village to have our lunch then off we go.

Lao gong, i'm beside you, you still thinking of me? hahahaha. nice shoot right? i also think so, gary you really know how to shoot. hahaha

thought this photo didn't came out well, but when i reach home and take a look, it wasn't dark like i saw on the boat to pulau ubin.

otw to pulau ubin for Eco-Travel program.

it's been like 5 years since i was here? that was a very long time le. I think during the sec 1/2/3 (can't rmb) trip camp organise by WEFC.

went to the visitor house which is in the tudor style in the 1930s, this provide all the information about chek jawa.

after all the briefing han chong bring us into a tour around chek jawa, and this are the students from Malaysia, not all some are from singapore. For my info. haha.

we are 7 stories up, this tower is call jejawi tower, it's built after the flood in 2007. Where the water condemn the one in chek jawa bringing the salt water to neutral killing all the marine life. After that, the govt pump in 7 million to build the tower and bridge to enjoy the environment and yet not destroy the natural habitat.

The view from the tower..

and right down, there's eileen.

and down the stairs..

is that a bird? oh yes, it's singapore's bird. haha. SIA.

more to the nature..

saw the small crab near the plant? haha.. caught in action. actually this crab are normally eat by crab-eater. Crab eater is one of the frog that can be found in chek jawa.

what are they looking? they are actually look ing at one of the plant that is wrap by another.

Palm seed..

and the mangrove swamp, saw the mud beside it, it's actually the nice art work by the mud lobster. hahah.

monitor lizard in action?

or her? looking at hot guys at tekong? hahaha.. that what she told me.. lol.. LMAO!!!

or this little priscilla in action?

err.. priscilla for you info, there's a wild boar named priscilla in chek jawa, don't believe can check online. lol. i'm not trying to say you are a pig, but there is one at chek jawa. LOL!?!
Everything was a fun and learning experience, and i hope lao gong enjoy it too (:


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