Jun 8, 2009

A Skit?

This is wat was told to me. So i'm writting down to share..

Gary Left the Classroom at 2.15pm after his DDNT Paper..

A green Shirt Teacher went into the class and told Tango that only until 3pm then can release the class. Fu yan, was handing up his paper so after the green shirt teacher told him, he told fu yan he can't go yet, and return his paper.

*Some giggle behind Fu yan~

Next.. Irene

Irene hang up his paper.

Irene: Teacher can i go?
Tango: Cannot, must wait until 3pm.
Irene: Then Gary go off le?
Tango: ouh, that boy, we suspect he got H1N1
Whole Class (FI01 & FI02): haha.. So funny!?!

Lim Han: Huh?! Just now i sat beside him for 4 hours..
Elisse: Just now i touch him..
Jia Yi: I kiss him!?!

wth!?! this was what happen after i left.. Even though it was funny.. But Saying i got H1N1 and don't admit his fault?


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