Jun 8, 2009


Exam Stress.. I think this is one of the common thing we as singaporean has to face upon all those challenges.

I too, have my exam stress, especially when i'm in poly now.

Just had my DDNT Exam, Started at 1.30pm i finsh doing my test at 2.15pm which is 45 mins. Not trying to boost anything here, but i just hack care and do that exam. I went half an hour early, so that i have 10 mins of reading time. And let me tell you, this 10 mins is the precious 10 mins in my life. Whenever you have exam, go early and read the paper first, even though you cannot do the paper yet.

This 10 mins help me alot in preparing myself for the qns.

I have been late for my exam before and when i reach the class i'm suppose to start straight away, my mind was blank, nothing came out, nothing flows in. I don't like the feeling.

When i saw the DDNT paper today, Two words i tell myself: Calm Down. I cannot be afraid of the paper, even though i am because there was alot of questions. I try not to focus to much on my answers in my mind if not i will forget the others.

In the end i manage to do all the questions, though i got some problems trying to express the answers out. But i hope the markers will understand what i'm trying to say. Now at makan place, friends probably still in the exam room. I shall start Mugging on my Accounting.

Ouh and one thing, this is the first time i having exam in a aircon room. I think it helps alot, i don perspire which don irritate me which calm me down and let me think of the answers easily. Like when i play mahjong, i must have fan beside me, if not i will lose cause heat makes me nervous. hahaha. what a example. Ok, i shall update my blog in a later time (:

Take care. And good luck in the common tests guys. (:


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