Jun 7, 2009


Friday i went to Changi Airport to study with Jessie, Lim Han and Jia yi. We tawn at the Airport to Chiong our FSP and study there. Reach there ard like 9pm then we walk ard T3 finding the suitable place to study and provided the place have electrical plugs, we went to TCC, the stuff too expensive and the enviroment doesn't suit our study mood so we went to Coffee Club.

Plugs were used so in the end we went to T2. Passby Coffeebean but plug being use and the left over tables were too small so ya. We went to Mac, the plug were removed so we left mac to search for the plug and a condusive environment.

We found it right after we left mac, and the place is?

Tata... Gloria Jean.. I brought an extension wire plug so if i found 1 plug is = to 4 plug. And we study there till like 6 plus in the morning.

Felt giddy, probably because i never had dinner and i stay up whole night.. Went back home i slept. For 1 and a half hour before i woke up bath and go school. Yes, it's saturday and i have to go back school for class. Programming Class. I don't mind though.

Through out the journey back to school, i was giddy all the way i think because i'm hungry etc. Reached school at 10.30am, class start at 1.30pm i went straight to makan place and mass message my friends and tell them my location. Ard 10 mins later fu yan came. Yeah!?! finally i can have my breakfast lol.

After eating, the giddy was not there le so the problem was the hunger afterall. LOL!?!

Went for programming class, did alot of complicated qns and class ended at 4pm. Some of my classmate haven had his breakfast/ lunch so they suggested to eat. So we went to Makan place again, but it was close so we end up in King Albert's Mac. Me, fu yan, lim han, wan li and Wen jie was there to have our dinner.

First time at king albert's mac, it's like another makan place. haha. Cause majorities of the people there are from NP.

So i brought my usual mac spicy meal, and we started to eat, and donno why all of us are like talking lame jokes and it's damn funny. lol.

Today went to the library to 'Chiong*' my DDNT. Which is Digital devices networking technology. Having common test tomorrow, wth!?! i scare sia, cos i don really understand it and i have like 3 more chapters to go, maybe i will rewind abit to recap what i study, if not really cannot make it. Look at the photo below, this are the people queuing for the library. If you think this is less, there is more at my back, all are standing. it's like back to the olden days with jia min and mei teng they all, studying in the library.

When the door open, this people show the 'kiasuism'.. they 'chiong' towards the escalator. for what? to get the table on level 2,3,4. I see people 'chiong' if i don 'chiong' i will lose out, so i increase my speed and manage to get a table. I seriously never see people run in the library for table, last time is brisk walk to get the table, i think nowa days those o level ppl quite 'kiasu' LOL!?!

oh did i mention, someone knock on to the automatic metal door? this guy standing infront of me, he keep leaning behind, i was behind him and infront of him was like a big patch of space, and behind is pushing me, so when the door open he bend down to go in, but i think he noob shit, knock onto the door. Serve him right.. so big space infront don wan to move, i was like lack of space already.

Ook.. i got to get back to my study le.. Good luck guys for the common test. We shall have a outing soon ok? FI02 (:

*Chiong means running


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