Jun 19, 2009

Back to sch

Went back to school today.. Hmm.. Had this freshie feeling back again.. haha.. i got like a week not in school le, kind of weird.. Today went to school for gym.

Met with lim han and Wen jie to go gym..

Reach at 2.30pm cos wen jie say he need help in the sims 3 so i reach at 2.30pm, i already say i wanna extend to 3.30pm then come cos lim han went to his appt. Den wen jie say, nvm come early to help him, so i say ok lo.

Reach already, call him and ask him where is he? guess what, he still at home. In the end lim han came to the library to find me, he haven even come yet. WTH!?! and in the end he came at 3.30pm.. wtf!?!

So we CS for a while then we went to gym.. I ran 2.4km, then did 10 sets of pull down, 1 set i did 10. This time round from 25kg i increase to 30kg, slowly do. i did it. (:

Got improvement. haha

Now using my old lappy, cos i doing deframentation, and can you believe? it's like 3 hrs le, still deframenting, this prove that my lappy got alot of holes and seriously it's damn slow, i think after the deframent it will go faster.

Just now play three rounds of DOTA with ben wee, 1st round i use undying he use lina and wth?! he keep teleporting from top to btm, from btm to middle and i almost kill him. In the end i kill him. hahaha.. and i won.

Second round he call me use Lion which i never train for a long time le, in the end i lose to him, not fair he keep killing me and before the second round start he beg me to let him run.

So i requested for the 3rd round, i use undying again and he use lina for the third, and i won him.. (: happy3.. hahahaha..

ok, i now go to watch naruto le, cause waiting for the defragmentation. slow sia.. ~

btw i going back to school tmr for my meeting then i maybe go to gym after that. hmm.. ben and jia yi will be there too..


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