Apr 18, 2009

What a day i can say

Yesterday just aren't my day, i'm just gonna to say. Hmm.

Went to School for my second day orientation, the whole morning talk thing was alright? i got to know more about the school. Course manager, Senior, Direct admission students starting to share their experience to us. Where to eat? where to study? where to play? and gosh, i didn't know our school has a chalet. With rooms and bed. It's call loft@94 am i right? hmm..it's jus so awesome (:

After all the talks and introduction, we proceed to our classroom to meet our mentor and getting our time table cum some other free gifts.

I'm so going to name them, hahas. Free Gifts i got:

1. A Ngee Ann Shoe bag
2. School of ICT T-shirt
3. A Ngee Ann red water bottle
4. A strap
5. A Wrist Thumb Drive, it's very unique you can treat it as a wrist band and at the same time you can save your stuff inside (1GB)
6. A Mask

So cool, i know. hehe*

but my day was totally not cool at all. So after we see our mentor i teaches them a new cheer, an old cheer actually but ya. It goes like this:

Everybody dance now
Bom Cha Bom

Two claps
Bom bom Cha bom

Three claps
Bom bom cha bom bom cha bom bom cha bom

Let's Break it down now
Bom Cha bom bom cha bom cha bom bom cha bom cha bom bom cha bom bom bom whoo!

Bom cha bom bom bom bom cha bom cha bom bom bom bom cha bom cha bom bom bom bom cha bom bom bom whoo!

That's the clap cheer (:

After that it's lunch time, so we proceed to Canteen 3 to have our lunch, best yong tau hoo is at that canteen. But i nv eat, before we proceed we change into sport attire cause there will be games ltr some water activities. So i changed. After awhile we left the classroom i felt the itchness at my back, it's like rashes, i felt it last night but manage to stop it by using the 'snake' powder.

Things got worst, i got no mood to have my lunch, i was itchy all over my back, it's not those mosquito bite, it's worst then that. So i decided to leave, i told murphy abt it and i left.

Thinkin that i should settle my lappy stuff cause my mentor say i should get it as soon as possible. I order the lappy the day before and got my approving grant approved yst so i went down to somerset to find my mum. She working at takashimaya, so i went down, in the process i gone through the forms i got, and realised i got to bring my mum down to the DBS bank to process the interest free loan. But gosh, there's not DBS bank in Orchard. I need a 21 yrs old gurantor. So i tell my mum to call my god-dad and help me to be the gurantor so i went down to Amk Hub.

Before that, i went to gym to bath to stop the itchness, went to steam bath first then went to bath and i felt better after that.

So i went to AMK Hub to settle my bank loan stuff and everything was successful. I called fujitsu company way before, so when i'm done with the bank i call them again to tell them i had done my bank transaction can i come down and take the lappy now? They say can't and say they will call me etc, and say i can't take the lappy today. Alot of ppl are requesting before monday too etc etc. But way before one of the staff that serve me say can, i just go to the bank first now they say cannot.

Damn 'pai chek'* because it's like wasting my time in rushing everything. So i waited for the call, while waiting i took the train back to woodlands from AMK. I reached woodlands, before i tap my card and go out, my phone rings. It's the fujitsu company, she ask me whether i call and stuff? and say the lastest i can get my lappy on Wednesday, but i need it urgently le, not because i got no lap top to use, but the school needs it. Then she said alright? give me your details i will process for you, you come down and take the lappy.

So i took the train to redhill and transfer to bus 145 (5 bus stops) to henderson road to get my lappy.

you guys should no realise how far i went.. so i break it to the simplest form

NP i took bus 74 to dover. From Dover i took Mrt to Somerset. From Somerset i took train to AMK. From AMK i took Mrt to woodlands. From Woodlands i took Mrt to Redhill. From Redhill i took bus 145 to the company. From the company i took bus 145 back to redhill. From Redhill i took the Mrt to woodlands. That's it.

It's like playing amazing race, it's worst then amazing race.

So you tell me how cool can my day be?


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