Apr 17, 2009

Indoor Tanning

I know, i update quite late.hmm, come on, i was really busy with my work. And ya i no longer working. Officially Quitted will talk abt that more ltr. Went to Fabulous group at cineleisure for indoor tanning last week. I got this free voucher, so i went to try it out. the experience was real cool.

I only spend $10 on the accelerate lotion, to prevent burn and accelerate the tanning. I did the standing Tann, which was better than the lying one, because standing one the voltage is higher so the tanning will be doubled than the lying down one.

This is how the standing one look like, i have to hold the bar at the top, and during times i got to put down my hands to like make the tann more even. Of course, it's naked thingy.

ok, back to the latest update. You know what? i went for my orientation today!!!

Went to Ngee Ann poly in the morning for the orientation and it was real cool, the people there was friendly (: at least my classmate are, only some are quite quiet but some are real active.

I'm the quiet one, haha at the start. Because i donno them, i didn't went for the orientation camp so i miss out alot of stuff. So i sat there quietly with murphy (Student Buddy) standing beside me. Hmm, i didn't talk until someone beside me talk to me. And it didn't surprise me in what she asked?

Priscilla: Hi
Me: Hi
Priscilla: Are you malay?
Me: What do you think?
Priscilla: You are malay right?
Me: Nope, i'm chinese
Priscilla: Sorri, because they way you speak and you are very dark so i thought you are malay
Me: it's okay, alot of ppl mistake me as malay, i'm kind of use to it(: no worries

HAHA. just before that i msg my friend telling him i'm not going to speak chinese and see if ppl mistake me as malay? haha.. and there was ppl mistaking me as malay. hahas.

and you know what? Priscilla's b'day is on 27th Dec, which is the same day as mine. lol.. so coincidence.

we had so much fun, in the end i became the leader for cheering, i got to lead my team in cheering.. -.-"" haha

i teach them the merlion clap, friendly friendly clap, you my friend clap. and i came out with a new cheer hahas. Our team name is ULONG (An island's name)

So when comes to island we think of the word 'Aloha' then somebody came out with Konigiwa, so i went to the toilet and keep thinking, when i came out an idea struck me. hahas. and here's the cheer.

Them: Aloha~
Them: Konigiwa
Me: ULONG Oii~~~
Them: Pom Chew ULONG Krap

hahahaha~ :P

alright.. will update more haha, got to sleep le.. any way guys, if you happen to visit my blog, just wanna say you guys rocks.. and do check your mail.. i send you guys the ULONG'S contacts already in excel (:


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