Sep 7, 2009


woke up at 11.30am in the morning, very reluntantly, feeling so lazy. Need to take my jab today, so can't sleep much.

Bathed and prepared myself, left house at like 12.10pm to go to causeway point to have my jab.

Went into raffles medical and realised there was a long queue, alot of people inside. Raffles medical this woodlands outlet was previously a eatery, a jap eatery but i think no business and it close down. After registration, i was sitting on the sofa, the clinic is really big, it's a very long stretch clinic. My queue number was 1121. Waited ard like 40mins i think never really calculate, then my queue number was called. So i went to Room 5.

It was a male doctor, then he started to ask me qns.

Doc: So you are taking Typhoid Vaccination?
Me: Yes
Doc: So you are left handed or right handed?
Me: Left Handed
Doc: Then i will give you the jab on the right
Me: (Raise my shirt to let the doc give me the jab)
Doc: Are you scare? this ain't your first time right?
Me: Ya, abit, nah, not my first time, scare because you are giving the jab on the right side, normally they will give me the jab on the left side even they take my blood also from the left side, that's why. hahaha

I was abit scare when i was waiting outside, i also donno why, taking a jab is really nothing to me, i have been to worst. Remember last year i was hospitalise and the needle was inserted into my hand for the gulcose. The blood taking needle is much more thicker than this. But still donno why, i'm scared. But everything happen so quickly, i realise it's nothing scary. hahaha.

After the jab went to 'zap it' to photocopy my doc for the company, then i went back home.

Going to start work at 5pm, need to leave house at 3.45pm ltr. Feeling so lazy and lerthagic to go to work le. how? hais...

Work ain't fun afterall~


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