Been discharge from the hospital for two days already, and I feel that my life is slowly coming back to me. Having that high fever through the night is really killing me especially to a stage where temperature reaches 40.6 degree Celsius.
I have been diagnosed with Tonsillitis.
What is Tonsillitis? Someone can ask me that, so this prove that this medical term is not well verse.
Tonsillitis (/ˌtɒnsəˈlaɪtɪs/ ton-sə-leye-tis) is inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by viral or bacterial infection. Symptoms may include sore throat and fever. When caused by a bacterium belonging to the group A streptococcus, it is typically referred to as strep throat. The overwhelming majority of people recover completely, with or without medication. In 40%, symptoms will resolve in three days, and within one week in 85% of people, regardless of whether streptococcal infection is present or not.
I still remember visiting one of the Acute emergency near my place and they just gave me medication and ask me to go back and rest, not even have the slightest intention to admit me into the hospital.
Going back home, getting back the same symptoms again and again, it's just killing me slowly right inside.
And when my brother called the hospital asking them what to do when my temperature is 40.6 degree Celsius, the doctor said that it's good to be hot, because the hotness kills the germs. I mean what kind of explanation is that?
Having no confident with this hospital, I decided to visit another hospital further away from my place, someone near the mid area of singapore.
Waiting for 2 hours, before I'm officially admitted to the hospital.
The swollen Tonsil has make my life difficult in all way. I have difficulty part taking my food, I cant swallow it smoothly, I cannot drink water like I usually do, I cannot sleep in peace.
Given antibiotic drip, anti inflammatory tonsil drip, potassium chloride, through out the night and stay in the hospital. Finally, my throat is getting better, I'm able to eat solid food, drink water normally without feeling the pain in my throat. And fever has also subsided.
This is the one time I wouldn't want to experience it all over again!
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