May 20, 2010

So Embrassing

Been busy with work lately. Quite a number of projects coming up and i'm still kind of slacking. LOL. Not to say totally slacking, it's like when ever i feel like doing something the next minute i realise i'm not doing it but facebooking with Zoo Paradise or too lazy to even start my work.

The photo above and below is our class most cute boy boy. hahaha. He's Wan Li. He wore the cap in the cute cute way and even act cute infront of us. So i took down his cute cute boy boy photo. LOL.

Today had classes till like around 5pm? Then we went to Canteen two to had like our dinner. Something happen ard 4pm, our class corridor was blackout. I was like talking loudly and asking my friend why the corridor black black? Then Wan Li, which the fact is he's black so he's sensitive when i say black so he say black what la? I said: Not say you la, so sensitive LOL.

Then Fu yan said got earth Quake, so i hide under the table LOL.

Ard like 4.30pm we went to the toilet tgt.At first Lim han and Fu yan went first, then i follow into the toilet. Lim Han tried to scare me in the toilet but was unsuccessful then later on I told Lim han, benjamin and Fu yan coming. So he stand behind the door again to scare them. I was inside the cubicle then i heard ben and Fu yan came in but they was not scared by lim han so i assume Lim han's plan was a failure. So i stay inside the cubicle and half close the door thinking either Fu yan or Benjamin will come into the cubicle so i can scare them. Suddenly the door was push open, i stretch my hand out to scare him and the person was in shock and say sorry to me before he changes the cubicle. And you know what? the person was not someone from my class, it was donno who. LOL.

It was SO EMBRASSING -Aunty Lucy style. hahaha.

I was damn Pai Seh, Wen Jie saw it and was laughing all the way. I was laughing all my way back from the toilet to the class. LOL.

Reach home at around 7.30pm, saw this letter on the table about HOTA (Human Organ Transplant Act) They know that i'm turning 21. When u are 21 you will have the right to decide when you die, are you willing to donate out your organ to save lives?

They gave me this Netflash pay card too, can be use as Ez-link and cash card. Nice2 (:

Will consider of signing up, thanks for the Information HOTA. (:


Tim Hong said...

Wan Li so cute! :D

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