May 16, 2010

YOG Training

Yesterday went to YOG training for All Liaison Officer at SMU. Woke up in the morning at 7.30am and realised i'm late because training starts at 8.30am and it's impossible for me to like reach Dhoby Ghaut at 8.30am. I quickly clean myself up and took the train with my mum. I slept at 4am yesterday and woke up at 7.30am, it's like damn tired for me.

I was playing DOTA with my friends, LOL.

I didn't wake up on time not because i didn't set my alarm. I set my alarm to wake me up at 6.30am but guess what? I set it 6.30pm. WTH!?! hahaha.

Reach SMU at 8.50am and realised the training has not start, and people are still strolling into the class. And the lecture hall is so small, people had to sit on the floor.

Even though i came late, but i manage to get myself a seat after they started to squeeze within themselves.

The lesson suppose to end at 1pm but it was overrun to 2pm.I fall asleep while listening to the presentation.
Went back home by taking the bus 961 from Lavendar back to woodlands, it's a very long ride though. It took me around 2 hrs to get back to woodlands. On the way in the bus, i just happen to have to mood to take the scenery outside.
I saw a few starbucks which tempted me to alight and grab a cup of cramel coffee.

This starbucks coffee has a very good environment, and i'm thinking of going there to study. Soon, i suppose.hahahah. But i donno where's this place,i just happen to pass by here while taking 961.

961 pass by my school too, and so coincidentally irene board the same bus as me and sat beside me. I was in a shock state when she woke me up. LOL. She was having CCA in school and is going back to malaysia.

Overall, was tired. I had to like try to open my eyes when i reach home. My buttock was in pain for sitting such a long time, even though of that but i still love taking bus instead of MRT. hahahah.


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