May 24, 2010


Saw this scene jus infront of my house so i decided to take down the photo using my Cellphone.

Went to School today even though there's no class. It's so contradicting how one can be. When we have school we will find 1001 excuse not to come, but when there's no school, we rather come school. LOL.

I study with Han and Ben in school today. Reach school ard like 8.30am? Then i have to morning call Ben teddy because he wanted me to call him and wake him up at 8.30am so he can make it to school at 9am. I gave him 19 miss call before he call me back.

Gary: Eh, u wake up liao ar?
Ben: Errr, OH YA!!!! okok, i coming school now. LOL.

He reach school at around like 9.15am, we studied for like until 12pm before we had our lunch together with Lim Han. He had classes from like 10am-12pm?

I had Chicken Cutlet rice at Canteen 2.

After that we went to the library to study. Ard 3 plus we started Dotaing. In one of the game, Lim Han bought Dagon. I told Ben that Han got Dagon. Then we started to play. Ard 3 mins later, i started to like attack Han. Then Ben unnoticed of himself wearing both side ear piece blasting off her music tried to warn me.

Ben: 他有dagon, 他有DAGON! EH 他有DAGON!

It was louder from the start and it got so loud the whole area can hear. Everyone was SHHHHHHHH!!!! And some are laughing. i couldn't stop laughing. He was so Kan chiong to warn me Han got DAGON. LOL!?! I was laughing throughout the game. hahahaha.

Left the school around like 6pm and reach home at 7 plus. Saw this stretch of pinkish light around the building, looks nice so i quickly took out my cellphone to take down the photo.


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