Jan 29, 2010

Projects piling up

Chinese new year is coming, and i have not get my new clothes yet for this season. Been busy with all my school projects like Enterprise Information System report, Object oriented programming, Enterprise System analysis Design report and presentation and Communication Toolkit.

Who said that Poly is 'eng eng chen chen*'

Been late for school lately just because my alarm clock is set to 5am. When it rang at 5am i always reject the alarm clock and went back to sleep which incurred to my LATE in the attendance list.

However, i'm glad Bus 961 alway comes to my rescue, hahaha. Whenever i'm late, once i reach woodlands interchange, 961 will always reach in time to save me from getting to school even later.

Today, class start at 10am. I just doesn't have the feeling of taking bus 963 or 966 because i will have to alight at pending station and change to 184. But when i reach woodlands interchange today, 961 came and i gladly boarded the bus. Reach school at 10am sharp, hahahaha. I have to paint my house later, yesterday my brother and mother had finish touching up the living room and stuff, so today i have to paint my room. I painted my room orange and brown previously, it's dark in colour so what i have to do now is paint the wall back to white, at least 2 layer to cover up the dark colour before i can paint my room light blue. Still having lesson now, RFP, RFQ. :P

Oh, and i have finish my EIS and OOP project lately, now i'm waiting for the walk through for OOP and presentation on 7 Feb for ESAD.
*Eng Eng Chen Chen means Very free


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