Jan 23, 2010

Mini Chingay 2010 Sneak Preview @ Orchard

If you have receive my information on Facebook, you will have saw the performances on the street for a mini Chingay preview 2010. You will be there to catch a little glimpse of it.

I was there with another blogger, Juliet. As a performance for a day over on the street. I was a performer before for the last chingay 2009 and i know how it feels as a performer.The encouragement the audience gave through the clap just kept us going, and i think without the audience we are simply nothing. So please do support Chingay 2010.

I reached ION orchard at 6.30pm and the event start at 7pm with all other people dressing up to prepare for the mini chingay sneak preview 2010. We was given a mask and some feathers to be part of the team.

Me And Juliet

The crowds started to gather because of all the performers gathering around with colorful costume.

Star Troops

Especially the star trooper, they brought a lot of attention to the crowds. People are coming forward taking photos with them. It's not a usual thing seeing people dressing up like that walking on the street isn't it?

Ten Ten and Gary

Notice this anime character, find her familiar? if you watch naruto movie, you will see her inside the anime. She's Ten Ten. Anime character are also performing on the street for Mini Chingay 2010. (:

If you thinking: "On my gosh, i missed it, i should have gone"

Well no worries, we are here to bring you what is there (:

Star Troops 2

Getting ready to start the performance.


One of the dance performer.

Performing outside ION

And they started to perform just right outside ION orchard, and ION Orchard is the first station, they will stroll down the street to the mandarin hotel as the end point of Chingay 2010.

The ninjas

The anime characters in the performance, look exactly like the anime character inside the movie right? So damn cool! Imagine, i'm part of the team with them (:

Flag Holder

Before the start of the event, people are like wondering what all of them are doing on the street, i overheard someone said: "Hey, there's cos play here" until this guy came over holding the flag that state: " Chingay 2010" then they realized they are from the team Chingay 2010.

Yellow Peacock

Look at the performers with the beautiful yellow peacock costume. So beautiful.

Walking down the street

Walking down the street seems fun, people are howling, shouting, clapping all were so encouraging. And you will see people holding the phones, camera to quickly catch a glimpse of it.


A close shot of Kakeshi, the team leader of Naruto's Team if you watch the anime. Isn't he assemble him? The white hair, the little details they put in him.

Samba Team

Not forgetting the samba team, that hits the drum and give us the beat to the samba dance.

Me with the star trooper

Me with one of the star trooper. (:

Performing 2

As we walk, we stopped infront of Ngee Ann City and perform right on the street, infront of Takashimaya.

Performing outside takashimaya



Kids with star trooper

People on the street are getting their kids over to take a photo with the star trooper.

Raise your hands and join us

Raise your hand and join in the dance.

The End

If you have not buy the tickets to catch Chingay 2010, what are you waiting for?

Visit http://www.chingay.org.sg/2010/ticketing.asp for more details

Grab it now!


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