Feb 10, 2010


Been busy with my work lately, not work work but school work and other work even house work. Yesterday didn't went to school because i have many stuff to do at home and yesterday lesson was to get your result in the module. Yes, i didn't go so don't ask me how much i got anymore, i just don't know my marks. I will know it when i get my result slip.

Woke up in the morning by my mum, we had our breakfast at the market and we bought two pot of plant back home. It's nice actually and heavy. hahaha.

After we reach home, i start my painting of my room. My brother has painted the room preiously. Half of the room, and i have to paint the other half. So i started to move and shift the stuff so i can paint. I start painting at 1200pm and end at 1400pm. After which, me and my mum went to Sheng Shiong to buy new year stuff.

Reach Sheng Shiong at ard 1500pm, and we went to KFC to have our lunch. We ordered 1 set of two piece meal and we shared among ourselves. Wanted to buy the Egg tart, BUT it's not available in that KFC store, only selected stores only. Sad:( so i didn't manage to have the egg tart yet, i wonder is it the same like the one sold in China.

After our KFC break, my mum pull me, not physically but literally to the saloon which i usually will go to cut my hair. Because we never make any appointment, so we end up waiting for like an hour to cut my hair. While waiting, i was flipping through fashion magazine, thinking what hair style should i cut for this coming chinese new year? My parents have been nagging me to cut my hair, which irritates me actually. In addition, my hair has natural curls which means the longer hair i had, the more curls i have, and to some it's like a nest or to my mum it's grass.

So i flip through the magazine, and saw some nice hairstyle by HUNKS. Too bad i'm not HUNKS so i'm not suitable to cut their hair style. So i flip and flip, and i saw Andy's hairstyle, quite nice and most importantly it's short, it will please my mum. And furthermore, quite a number a people are cutting this hairstyle and i have also thought about trying out this hair cut for quite some time, so when it's my turn to cut my hair i told my hair stylist, "Andy's Haircut". My hairstylist said: "Are you sure? it will be very short" I said: "Yes, just cut it~" ARGH!?!

hahaha, in the end my hair turn out S.H.O.R.T hahahaha.

So after i cut my hair, we went to Sheng shiong to buy stuff and went back home around 1700pm.

When reach home, my mum went to cook pork and fish porridge for dinner, so ard 1800pm i ate my dinner before we proceed to Causeway point to buy new year clothes and stuff.

Left our house at ard 1930pm and reach causeway point around 2000pm, we went to look around the boutique to see if i can get any chance to buy any stuff. We ended up in Giordano and i bought 3 Tees and 1 Tees for my brother and a belt for him too. Not bad, just normal. hahaha.

Then we went to a few boutique to look for my mum's new year clothes, trying some shirt and dress but didn't get any. Saw one of the new year clothes that suit her, but she don't like. hahah.

After which we shop around Causeway point, oh and i buy a foldable mattress. Not bad.

Went to NTUC after that to buy some groceries. Busy day right? hahahaha.

we bought alot of stuff, hahaha but manage to carry home cause my brother just ended work and was just at the interchange at the right time. So he help me carry part of the stuff.

And that's my day for yesterday. Tired and Long day.


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