May 23, 2009

Lee Qin's B'day

Happy Birthday to Lee Qin.

She's one of my classmate, she's from Malaysia. We celebrated her b'day yesterday. I order Canadian Pizza and Pizza Hut's Drumlet.

Of course, our whole class share money to buy her those food. Our class counted good already, because i don't think anyone till now has a class celebrate any b'day but our class had celebrate TWO b'day already. Wonder what will happen to mine?

Food, though it's not really alot, but it's the hear tat count right?

Yest was assignment hand up day. Gosh, trust me, i've headache. I'm suppose to hand in Acct and DDNT project. For DDNT wise is by 5pm.

So we was rushing our project the whole day.

For my case, i was doing out Acct for my group and DDNT thought my friend did nicely but still i got to edit it. In the end we manage to hand it up. Thank god!

Acct wise, i went back home to rush out lo. Manage to send it before 2359pm.

Btw, i play DOTA le, Fu yan, wan li, alvin, lim han. benjamin pull me in to play with them.
Duh -.-"' i played once, only once wit my primary school friend which was like 3 years ago. And now they call me play, i donno how sia. But i still manaage to know abit la. haha. it's fun, and addictive. LOL.

Today will be staying at home, to finish up my programming practical which i've missed due to the graduation ceremony. Ok gtg to have my breakfast with mum at delifrance le. hehe*

See ya (:

And one more thing. Joo chiat YEC blog is offically up, you guys can visit it ( , i created it. and do give me support in sgrainbow blog too, i'm a new writer there. Do drop by: thanks for the support (:


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