May 20, 2009

ITE Grad Ceremony

Today was my grad ceremony for Ite at Macpherson ITE.

Skip 3hrs of programming lesson because of that, because teacher told us one day before hand that the lesson will be extend on wed but i already RSVP them i will be attending the grad ceremony.

Saw alot of my Ex class mate there, and i realise on the spot how much i misses them, how much i keen to be with them. They were like a piece of magnet that attracted me to them. It's been like a few months since we seen each other but still we misses each other lots. Saw a few teachers there, our course manager was there was glad to see her. (:

Alot of people has changes over this few months, like me, i slim down a bit, azhar face worsen over time, kavitha became more mature, hida and ayu as usual tall and pretty.

Sorry that i didn't manage to update my blog on a daily basis, which i do last time. Kavithasaid i now become a boring person already. Haha. no la, i'm really busy. Okay i will stop sayin that and i will like schedule myself after this week.

till them, I miss you guys, do continue to visit alright?

I will also update the PUB Volunteer training post here soon, after i settle my Joo Chiat Yec blog.. hehe. ok i got to rush out the stuff le. See ya. (:


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