Apr 23, 2009

First 4 days in school

you guys must be thinking how come i MIA right?

I got so many photos but i got no time to like you know upload it. but would like to brief tell you guys what happen for the pass 4 days in sch.

First day went to school, nth much jus simply orientation talk and stuff. And let me tell you, our class was damn 'on' and so togetherness. haha. we meet for the first day for breakfast before we go for our lecture. Some teacher thought we are from the same pri,sec school. LOL. because we are really close, we call each other name le etc.

and you know what? gosh, the whole class voted me as the Class Rep. LOL. which is Chairman for sec and ITE.

and we got Sport and wellness, and we get to chose what we want, like i chose Volleyball for S&W, there is lifesaving (Swimming), wellness program (Gym), Tennis, Yoga, Aerobics etc.

and ya, we had this 'Dance for fund' event and it's a dance competition among schools, when i say schools it means schools in Ngee Ann Poly. Like school of engineering, school of Infocomm etc, and i'm in Infocomm group and we are dancing 'Show' song: Chen Yao.

We have been training from Mon-Thurs and i've been going home late. This few days i keep reach home at midnight. and let me tell you, it's damn tire. Very shag, ok i know i should not use shag, because you will only feel that after sex, but it's even tire than sex. HAHAHA

Today will be our dance competition, it will be held at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Convention centre at 4pm.

Oh and ya, we had our IT Lesson, whereby we learn basic Microsoft Word,Excel and Powerpoint. As you guys know i learned that in ITE for two years. Office application and Advanced office application. so ya, learn again. Yup AGAIN.

and hmm, to speak honestly the instruction is so unclear, not like ITE they show you which one is which, but this it doesn't. And the teacher explain it really not so clear, he repeat himself like 4-5 times for the nested formula for Excel, but nobody understand.

Teacher: i'm not suppose to tell you guys cause you guys are suppose to try it out yourself, go google, there is alot of way to do it.

Us: Teacher how?

Teacher: Go google, you can find the formula one

* the formula he wrote on the board was wrong one, there was a missing comma but later on she added in but i still couldn't get it.

So i recalled what i learn in ITE.. and finally i got the formula. so i teached the whole class the nested formula. and in the end all understand LOL.

Wen jie (classmate): wah, you teach ONE time we understand.


oh and the food in canteen is damn nice man.. hahas.. we always have our meal @ Makan Place, it's a 'koufu' food court. and it's nice, you guys should come and try.


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