Sep 2, 2006


today..woke up at 7am..saw my phone has three message..cause yesterdaY fall asleep so never heard the message moreover my phone is in the silent mode..i felt so sorri that i never reply and i here by apologised to him..but i first thing quickly reply him..yup2..then today went to have breakfast with my mum..never go to the school because today is teachers day..i hereby wishes all the teachers in the world HAPPY TEACHERS DAY..really glad the teachers are so good to us especially our english teacher..okok..back to the main point..after my breakfast went back home..switched on the computer..transfered the song to my mp3..then i went to washed up and [preparing] to go the library to study..i will be studying there alone..cause no one wants to go to the library my friends are going to school for arts..yup2..then reached the library it was full with space in the cafe but i managed to find one..then i studied there for 3 hours..the i went to ntuc with my mum and aunt to buy some stuff..then we went ot s aND K to buy a pants which i had been looking for..hahas..then went home to cook dinner..which is porridge..


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