Sep 4, 2006


yesterday was my first day to a two hour 'him' at tampines then seperate into different group then we cartri on with our work.. i was allocated to pasir ris west plaza..then i went to the [plaza] with him..we took 359 about 5 stops before we alight then we went to the management office to collect the free gifts to let customer to redeem with a 5 dollar receipt..yup2..hahas..the aunty in charge was quite nice..and it was really funny.. and i enjoy my time with him..yes..really..after the work we went to 711 to buy drinks and marsh potato to eat..hahas..ok..the marsh potato quite nice..then we sit outside 711 to have our food..then we went to sit bus back to pasir ris to meet back his friend..then we went back to tampines mall..we went toshop at tampines mall..hahas..thanks for being sure a good tourist guide tht you frgotten where is the escalator..hahas..[just kidding] quite good..hahas..and the optical88 model show..hahas..look like fashion show..yup2..then we continue to shop..i think all the shopping in tampines mall we had shop finished shopping..then we went to buy bubble pay again..bleah:P..hahas..its ok lahzi don mind at all..after that i went home..i took 969 home..the bus was so warm..he went home too..cause need to install things on his new computer..good new don have..then he 6 need to go work night..he went to clubbing..i called hi don so late o home cause got work tomorrow..yup2..then i say i cook for him the next promise..went to ntuc to buy food for him so that i can cook for him..i watched tv till 2am..then i call that he know must go home liao..he said its ok to call icall..but it seem that his phone is off..i can't possible gt through the phone..but i continue to cal cause i scare that there is something happen..until about 3am i manage to get through..he pick up..i say are you going home?? he say yup2..i say why switched off phone?? he say no is the reception promblem..i said oh ok. then fater go home and rest i abt 3.30am then sleep i woke up 6am to cook for him then i reach tm at9.15.. i waited fo him till 10.15 to come to go to 9/3/ usual we many ppl came t redeem the free gift..then today i make him angry also..i'm so sorri..can you forgive me??


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