Apr 27, 2008

Oreo obession


today went to work..reach workplace which is the exhibition ard 9.20pm.. i bring out the monitor set up the station..bring out the poster.. i was the frist one to reach..by the time my boss came..i've already settle everything..today..my boss did something under my pressure.. hahas..
went to have lunch with Roland today..his treats.. caucasian are generous.. i must learn from them.. we went to had KFC.. then later on we came to Nydc..he said he wanted something sweet so we went in to have our dessert..i had oreo obession..

oreo obession..it cost $10.50

here is my boss.. he is going to do a hair treatment..which is putting real hair which acted as a wig on his head.. here it goes..

does he look different? hahas..

this company is called virtual reality.. if you are interested you can contact them @ Tel: (65) 6372 1221 or visit their website @ www.aremyhair.com


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