Nov 13, 2010

The Singh Family

Suno to zara

Hum ko hai ye kehna

Waqt hai kya

Tum ko pata hai na

So gayi raat jaa ke

Din hai ab jaag utha

Aankhein masalata ha

iSaara ye sama

Awaazein bhi leti hai angdaiyaan

The alarm ringtone from my mobile phone rang and i woke up as usual to wash my self up. Turn around from my bed, i sees an empty bed lying on the other side of the room. I realise how much i miss Bara Bhai. Bara Bhai have went to study for his degree at NITRKL (National Institute of Technology Rourkela) 3 years ago and ever since, i have been left alone in the house with mummy and daddy.

Mummy is always busy in the kitchen with the food, and daddy is always busy with his newspaper. I hardly talked to them. I remembered i use to always talk to Bara bhai, and he dote on me alot. He will buy sweets with the muthul uncle stall down the street for me whenever he ended school early, and my favourite was Gulab Jamun. Now, i seldom had that, unless there is any puja or festivall going on then i get to eat that.

Suraj! Are you awake? Help mummy get the newspaper in for your dad. Mum shouted from the kitchen. Yes, mum i'm awake, give me ek minute i'm washing up. I replied.

After washing up, i went out of the house to pick up the 'Times of India' for dad. It's a normal procedure for dad to finish half the newpaper before breakfast. I don't why dad love the newspaper but he simply just couldn't put it down. Here's your newpaper dad. I pass the newspaper to him. How's school? He asked. Fine dad, couldn't solve a few equation, will ask Sir when i'm back in school later (If keshav bara bhai is here, i wouldn't have to ask). I replied to dad and behind that replied i mumble something that dad couldn't hear.

Dadi..Dadi.. I called out to my grandmother. She was coming out of her room. Coming.. Coming Pota Suraj. I went over to my grand mother for a 'Ashirwad Lena' which is to seek blessing from her. Jeete Raho Pota Sujra, she told me. She had been telling me this since i was born, but recent 2 years she had say that without the beautiful smile she had. She's old.

I hold my dadi to the dining table for breakfast. Mum prepared Aloo paratha, curd and chhola bhatura for breakfast. Did i mention mum is good in her cooking? I think it's probably one of the reason why mum was chosen by my dad's family. Like any other typical Indian family, there was no Love marriage. Everything was arranged by the head of the family. My granddad is strict about the culture and so our family's marriage was arrange by him. Me and Keshav Bara bhai was close with my granddad. He dote on us alot, and i love him. He use to tell us story and i would snuggle and sit between his legs to listen to him talking about his life experience. But he left us two years ago. He died in his sleep.

Dadi was devastated. Dada's body was carried on the shoulder by 4 men into the cemetery and woods was stack to hold dada's body. I cried. Keshav bara bhai was not there, he was having exams so daddy didn't inform him. I wanted Keshav bara bhai to be with me. Dada no longer there for me. I didn't eat for 2 days and i locked myself in the room, i miss Dada. I can't believe dada was gone. I still remember, maa came knocking on the door asking me to have the food, but i ignored her. They got worried, they called Keshav bara bhai.

Keshav bara bhai heard that from maa, he took the train from rourkela to kolkata and flight back to Aizawal. Within next 14 hours, bhai reached home.

Chotu, open the door. Chotu. Bara bhai here.

I opened the door and reaches out for him. Bara bhai, Dada is gone. Dada is gone.I cried and hug him. Yes, chotu, i know, i know. Look at me, come, look at me. He wipe away the tears from my eyes. I'm still here, Chotu.

Maa is here. Mummy said

Dadi is here too. Dadi said.

I look up and saw Maa and Dadi there, standing next to bara bhai.

Maa and Dadi was crying and hugged me the next minute without me realising. Maa...Dadi...I cried out to them. Daddy was in his room, i never saw him, but i know he's sad.

Bara bhai, when are you going back school again? I asked while holding his hand. I’m on leave for a week, then i will need to get back to school.

I didn't replied him, because i was sad that bara bhai had to leave in a week time.

Come on Chotu, don't be sad we can web cam and i can still talk to you online. Keshav bhai tries to cheer me up by pinching my cheek. But.. but.. i can't hug bara bhai. I replied sulkingly. I will be graduating two years time, by that time i will be back chotu. I hugged Bara bhai. Bara bhai! I miss you.

The next few days, Antyesti was carried out.

I was glad Bara Bhai was here with me. He will wake earlier than me to prepare himself, after which he will wake me up to wash myself up. He will adjust my clothing and comb my hair, even though i was 5 years younger than him. I love the way he help me and take care of me. I'm glad i was in the Singh family with him.

The Antyesti carried out for 13 days. On the 13th day, Puja for gods is done. Includes navagraha homam. The water from the puja is sprinkled all over the house to purify the place. And it was also time for bara bhai to leave for school.

I woke up especially early that day, i wash myself up and went to Muthul Sweet shop to buy Gulab Jamun for Bara Bhai. I came back home and saw Bara bhai looking anxiously and he saw me.

He came rushing to me and hug me. Where have you been? He asked

Bara bhai, i went to buy gulab jamun for you because it's your last day at home today. Answering him, and at the same time holding up the box with my right hand.

Tell me next time when you are going out thik hai? You got me all worried. I thought where have you went when i turn around and saw an empty bed?

Thik hai bara bhai, shall we have gulab jamun now? I asked

That was the last time i had gulab jamun with Keshav Bara Bhai, he leave for school that day in the afternoon. I sent him off to take his flight after which Papa drive us back home.

Pota Suraj, Mama's cooking is the best isn't it? Dadi asked me. Yes, Dadi. I smiled and answer her back. Mum, i'm flattered. Maa answered as she comes out from the kitchen, as she make her way to call Papa for breakfast.

Papa join us for breakfast.

Suraj, after breakfast i will send you to school. Dad didn't ask he just ordered

Thik hai papa. I answered

The journey to school suppose to take 10 mintues but in papa's car, i felt like it takes 10 hours to reach. No music was on, no talking, just papa driving and me looking at the past by scenery. When I reach school, he told me to take care of myself and don't fall asleep in class. That's what a dad would normally said to his child isn't it.

Went to class and clarify whatever problem i have. Classes end early today. I walk out of class and onto the street. Normally when i walk out of the gate, i would see bara bhai there, holding sweets for me. I would have them, when i'm on the way back home, he will stroll my hair and laugh at the way i ate them. But now, i'm all alone and alone during nearly winter time just makes me even lonely. Looking at my watch, it's 5pm, i rush back home because bara bhai would have come online around that time.

I reach home, wash myself up and begin to turn on the computer. Maa, wouldn't disturb me at this time because he know i will be talking to bara bhai.

Signed on into Gtalk and check whether Keshav bara bhai is online? "Tink..." There's pop up on the screen. It's bara bhai's account.

Suraj Singh: Hi bara bhai!

Keshav Singh: Hi Chotu!

Suraj Singh: How are you? How's school?

Keshav: Singh: I'm fine Chotu, school been busy because of final year project. How about you? Do you still have problem with maths?

Suraj Singh: Yea, bara bhai, i don't know how to do a few equations and i have to ask sir today. If you were here, if you were, i wouldn't have to ask Sir the next day bara bhai.

Keshav Singh: Chotu, it's part of parcel to ask Sir questions and don't feel shy to ask Thik hai? You have to clear all your doubts.

Suraj Singh: Thik hai. Bara bhai, anyway, is it cold over there?

Keshav Singh: It's abit cold, not really that cold. And you?

Suraj Singh: It's cold here, maa scare that i would catch a cold so she wouldn't allow me to play with Bitto, our neighbour's son.

Keshav: Listen to Maa thik hai? She's right? it's cold you shouldn't play outside, what if you catch a cold?

Suraj Singh: Ok bara bhai, i would listen to Maa. By the way, i can't wait for you to come back bara bhai. Maa said that she will cook your favourite dish when you are back! And chotu, me! got to eat a assumptious meal. hehe.

Keshav Singh: I can't wait to go back too Chotu. I miss Chotu alot! Really? Maa said that? hehe.

Suraj Singh: Haan! Maa say that. Please come back on Winter holiday alright?

Keshav Singh: Thik hai, i will plan for my schedule again. Chotu, i got to go. Chalo. Take care alright? Please cover yourself properly.

Suraj Singh: Ok. I will. Maa will check on me. Bara bhai, you must cover yourself too. Your chotu,Miss you badly.


Abhishek said...

Nicely written man !
It was long but i still enjoyed it.
Happy Blogging !

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