Jun 9, 2010

Common Test Week

I have been busy preparing for common test, hmmm. Quite lazy in times. Because alot of distraction around me, couldn't concentrate. And with the environment i have now, i couldn't focus. Yesterday was my Enterprise Business Process Common test, it was a open book test. Even though it's open book, you will expected more than just open book, it's the understanding of the module.

I did all the question without any doubt but hopefully you know i can get something out of it.

I keep telling myself, i have to strive and do what i came to do. I always think of other can do this can do that, i always think and envious the others but why can't i think positive?Like compare to the african kids i'm fortunate enough to have a good environment to study? Isn't this what i told my friends that always say "FML" in their statement or post? Our life isn't that Fcuked compare to them. Right?

Today was my Financial Management paper. I didn't go school early, because i will get abandon one corner. You will realise how realistic people are when it's test time. You will realise other class will start to mix with you more than u mix with your own class.

Yesterday when i reached home, i did not start my revision straight away. I slept for two hours straight because my mind was sleepy. Then around 630pm i woke up and quickly wash myself up before all the preparation. I did quite a number of calculation practice last week, so when i revise yesterday i skipped the calculation part and focused on the theory art, after all they said theory 40%.

Today i went to school and reached around 12.30pm, my paper start at 1.30pm so i got another like 1 hour to revise. Saw siti and the rest and accompanied.So we sat at the corridor and wait for the exam to start. There's no allocation of seat today, so we can sit anywhere within our given seat number for our class it was 420-441. I sat at 434 today. Took the paper for a 10mins reading and realise everything i pick came out. CSR came out, cash budget came out and Ar came out. I have some doubt on the AR part. But the rest all was ok.

Left the exam hall when i finish my paper ard 2.30pm. Went back to woodlands to fix my mum's phone. Waited for like 1 hr before my turn, it's really inefficient sia. SLOW!

Went down to get mac for my dinner, and i walk pass value shop and saw this 2.5 litre of coke and 7-up and it reminds me of the days in Wuhan, so i bought a bottle back home. And it's damn heavy.

Bought Double Quarter Pounder for my dinner.

Oh wait, i forgotten to share that during the 1 hour waiting at the samsung shop there was a lady there talking to the staff, i think she got her phone through sing post but the phone was spoil during the transit and stuff. So she said: Eh boy, you all should complain to the Sing post (Chinese). Cannot liddat, it's a waste of my time u know? Or tell u what? tell me your president's number i call and complain. I think she wanted to say tell me your director's number i call them and complain. LOL. President, she want to call the president. hahahaha.

Another conversation took place on the bus where i took to go back home. There was this lady, she saw her friend seated behind me so she 'Chiong' to the seat beside me and sat down, and she said: Wa, you so fat you so fat!

I mean i know she's her friend, but that isn't a way to start a conversation. -.-' Abit rude isn't it? I know speaking directly is better than indirectly. But still, "U so fat u so fat" isn't a good way either. Then she started talking and talking and talking. I couldn't care about her, i got no mood cause my groceries was very heavy because of the 2.5litre of 7-up. LOL.

Tomorrow, Developing Web Application paper. I started revising last week,but now totally no mood. Why isn't DWA Open book too? All the codes. Gosh.


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