Jun 28, 2010


Ok, been busy with my Holiday with friends and with my work. During the holiday, i went out wit a bunch of good friends which i didn't expected i will get to know in the poly.

The are my SENIORS!!!! But i older than them :( hahahaha

We went to KBOX in the afternoon at Marina Square, it's was fun having them there and they said it's worth it having me there. Cause it's not just Chinese Songs. LMAO.

We went to have Dim Sum after the KBOX Session, it's donno who's idea and it's somewhere near Bugis, and guess what? We find the shop for like 1 hour before we reach the place. And the Dim sum is nice (:

Ok, some joke to share when we were there.

We played until around 8pm before we leave the place. We sent Angela, Audrey and Xian Hui to the MRT and Me, Jia Hao, Isabel and Li min took the bus.

We walked and walked to another bus stop and found the Koi Cafe so we each order a cup of drink before we continue to walk to the bus stop. We wanted to wait for 960 but the bus came the first time and it's fill with people, so we said let's wait for another?

Then we saw 61 in the traffic jam but later we realise 61 doesn't stop at this bus stop. We thinking of taking 61 back to NP then from NP take 184 cause we all want seats.


Miracle does happen, Jia Hao look at the bus driver and wanted to go up then the uncle hesistated awhile then open the door to let us in. All of us said: THANK YOU UNCLE.

And we found a four seater and we sat down chatting.

Isabel said: Waaaa, look at the people from the next stop. We so lucky. 有满足感 cos we boarded in the bus stop that the driver shouldn't stop the bus but the traffic pushes the car to the bus stop.

We Chit Chated and ard 15 mins later, someone called Isabel then ask where is she? I told her China Town, Jia Hao argue it's QueensTown. So i say it's China's QueensTown 中国女皇镇.

Then the bus continue to drive and we realise something wrong with the direction. It's going towards the other direction not the one going towards Bukit Batok. And we realise it's the wrong direction.

Jia Hao say nvm, it will reach Harbour front then we from Harbour Front take 963 back. Then ard 10 mins later, we all call Jia Hao to confirm cos Isabel said she rmb the bus only stop at Eunos.

Jia Hao went to check out, and you know what? Yes, it stop at Eunos.

Everyone was like Wao Lao, Jialat... Then i said: Eunos got 966 cos my mum consult doctor there so i know there got 966. So everyone was like sure anot? I said Ya.

Then we start blaming each other say what, you see la, what lucky? Board the wrong bus.

Then Jia hao and me said: Isabel, your Man Zhu Gan Leads us the wrong direction.

Isabel: Rmb we come up the bus? All still say THANK YOU UNCLE. LMAO

In the end we reach Eunos at around 10pm then we took 966 back.

I told them to buy 6118 cos the bus was 61 and it was 18 June. And guess what?the next day 4D Came out 6118. LMAO. And i won abit. (:

Two days ago was President Challenge 2010 and i went down to help out under Joo Chiat CC YEC.

Pornsak was there!!! My fav Idol. hahahaha. And i took the opportunity to take a photo with him. (:

Now? Back in School. Holidays over. Now comes all the project deadline.


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