May 29, 2010

#8 Lampard

Woke up 7am in the morning just to prepare myself to go to Republic poly to study with Han, Yan and Yi. I reached around like 8.30am and i sat at the exact place i sat yst night.

Han and Yan came at 10 plus in the morning. We study for like around 2 hours before we start playing games. Yi came at aroun 11am? And i ask him to buy the KFC family feast over for the 3 of us for Lunch. And the World Cup bottle is free. It's Lampard. hahaha. Yan wanted Messi but i think it will be coming out soon.

So we study in RP till like 10 plus in the evening?

My dad buy dinner for me and my friends and drive over to RP for us. I requested him to buy for us, as he is near my house. It's been sometime since he do this for me, i mean he's married not with my mum unfortunately so i don kind of have any father's love. So yesterday when he agreed to like buy dinner for us, i was exuberant, i mean it's been a long time he do something as a father for me. So i felt the fatherly love yesterday from my father.

Thanks Daddy (:

We left RP at ard 10.30pm,i sent Yan and han to the bus stop then i cross the bus stop to MY bus stop.LOL. so otw to the bus stop we chit chatted.

Yan: Eh,you have the notes for the FMGT one?those that has been fill with answer de.
Me: I have a few, i suppose.
Han: I all blank de.

Me: ookok, i send you guys tmr ba plus the DB Common test.
Han: Ok, thanks in return you have to print for me
Me: WTF. HAN, you think funny ar? LOL.

It's like telling me, i win give you 50bucks i lose give you 100 bucks. LOL.

I reach home ard 11pm,wash up and went to bed. I didn't even use the comp last night. LOL. I think i have enough usage in the poly. hahahaahha.


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