Jun 1, 2010

Life isn't impossible

yesterday we stayed in school to study for our coming common test. We went to have our dinner at canteen 2 before going to the library to study. As usual the western stall, Chicken Cutlet rice.

We reach the library around like 6.30pm, then we decided to book a room to study. Fu yan was with us at that moment saying that he want to visit the toilet in the library and wanted Benjamin to follow him, but Benjamin as usual a spider, kan chiong to go home, so he PS fu yan.

Fu yan join us in the room, but he never study, but was talking to us, and said that if Wan li comes to study in the room with us, then he will stay. So Lim Han called my phone.

I pick up my phone, the next min he hang up. So i acted.

Me: Hello? Wan li ar? Eh, you coming anot?
Wait a while.
Me: Fu yan waiting for you to study sia? Faster come lei. We at level 4 in the library in room 412.
Wait a while to act that Wan li is talking.

Fu yan was laughing away~
Me: So u coming right?
Me: Wao lao, still want to change clothes. Faster la.
Me: Ok, faster ok? bb

Fu yan: WTF. U get the staraward 2010 la. hahaha.

Fu yan in th end went back home and Wan li was at volley ball. So ended up, only me and han studying in the room till 9pm.

We left the lib at 9pm and walks to the bus stop. My bus 75 came and i wanted to board the bus, but han said: Eh, wait for another bus la, i want to chit chat with you. So i believe him i stay on in the end like nothing to chat. hahahahaha.

I told him, my bus sure come first. LOL.

In the end, 184 came.

I reach home ard like 10 plus. I bathed and switch on my computer and realise Lim han never logged out from Face book So i change his display pic and change some of his setting so that it won't be so boring and became so lively. This is the display pic i edited and put up as his display pic.


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