Apr 24, 2010

A fun gathering with my clicks.

Today went to East Coast park with James, Daren, regina, shie boon, Shanni, Rowena, Yu Chi and Wen Ting.

I woke up like 8am in the morning to prepare myself, cause it takes me an hour to go to ECP. And i'm meeting Shanni at Woodlands Interchange before we proceed together to ECP. I reached Woodlands interchange at around 8.45am before we board the bus 966 at 8.55am. We reached Joo Chiat at around 9.45am and walked towards the underpass to ECP. Reach ECP at around 10am and walked towards the Mac to meet everyone.

Daren was the first to reach then it was us and then rowena,shieboon and regina. James was late because he was lost. hahaha.

While we are waiting, we suggested going to bowling for like an hour before we have our lunch at Mac at 12pm because 12pm have mac value meal. Everyone agreed to bowl. After which we proceed to the bowling centre then everyone say don wan. LOL!?! except me and daren. We are like so bored by the NO! So we was sitting there thinking where to go. In the end we end up at the pool centre playing pool.

James reached after that to play pool with us. Until 12pm we went to Mac to have our lunch, Yu Chi and Wen Ting joined us.

After which we rent the bike to cycle around ECP. Daren and wen ting roller blade, the rest cycle. Then half way, Wen ting fell tired and cannot blade anymore so she took off her roller balde and sit on Yu Chi bike together with us cycle to the jetty. We didn't cycle to the end of the ECP half way through we cycle back. Wen Ting said that her butt pain cause she was sitting at the metal infront of the bicycle. So Yu Chi cycle back to the shop to bring her shoe. I cycle back to the shop too with james and the rest. James reached first, then Yu Chi then me. After which daren reached the shop. Then daren said that he wanted to bath, so he went off the bath then you know what? the next min we saw Wen ting near the shop. She took a cab back. WTH?!

We went to Subway after that, and they was like deciding to prawn or to movie? and everyone was quite indecisive. Rowena suggested everyone go orchard then stone and freeze in the middle of the orchard road for like 1 hr? we was like freeze by her cold joke. LOL!?!

Then i said, why not all come my house i cooked,you all play mahjong? Then they was ok with it and came over to my house.

Before they come to my house, i went Sheng Shong to buy the food to cook, bought one chicken, some pork rips for the soup, 4 tofu, ginger and onion for the egg.

They play mahjong while i cooking, Shanni and regina came to help me. But mostly i do the cooking they do the washing. Thanks for helping out.

They enjoy the stay at my house and i'm glad they did. hahaha


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