Dec 13, 2009

Monday EIS CT

Monday willbe having my first common test of the term. Still working currently. Tired though. Because of shortage of manpower, i really have no choice but to go back and help. Didn't went for chingay man power team to help out, i don't know, it seems to me that i have lost interest perhaps because of someone there. hmmm.

Went to work today. It's a full shift, imagine how shag i am now. it's 2:27am now, and i'm not sleeping. Not because i'm not tired. but because i wanna finish blogging before i sleep so as not ot disappoint my readers.

Today work was like woW!?! loads of customers and i can tell you, the queue has never once stopped. Gosh!

While working i was kind of thinking about something, not convenient to share here. hahaha.

I keep thinking of like going off from work early so i can study at home. But looking at the circumstances, it was had for me to say i need to leave early. Because there's dozen and dozen of customers. It's real busy man.

Monday EIS (Enterprise information system) common test, i think i still need to revise on it. Even though i have gone through the case study but i still need to go through the topic. I have printed out all the handouts for my revision. Tomorrw wil be a mugging day for me. (:


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