Dec 11, 2009

Common Test

Been studying in school for the past few days. Reach school at 7am and go back home at 10pm. If you ask me where do i find such energy? I also don't know, just simply studying with one of my classmate.

Subway has been my dinner for the past few days. Honey Oat with Chicken Teriyaki plus cucumber,tomato & Onion. Sauce i will choose Sweet onion plus Honey Mustard. And two cookie will be chocolate cookie plus double chocolate. Drink will be Sprite. That cost me like $7.40?

Tonight won't be studying school, cause i have a ITE gathering in school. It's a dinner gathering orgaqnise by the school and it cost like $22. Actually hoping to like meet my friends there, but i think only me and Eileen is going. So ya.

As usual, class start at 10am, but i reach school at 7.45am and studying alone at the square. Some of my classmate are going for their diploma plus. And oh ya, did i mention i got two packet of snack for the price of 1? hahaha, that's school vending machine, keep jamming up ppl's order so some snack got stuck and i kind of have my way to get it out. LOL!?!

Alright, getting back to study ESAD.

Be back for more (:


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