Dec 27, 2009

Happy Birthday

Thanks guys for all the wishes.

Even though i really have no mood for this year's b'day but i'm exuberant with all the wishes i received.

Ranking of wishes:

1. Joycelyn
2. Zhong Ming
3. Priscilla
4. Elise
5. Jin Wen
6. Jia Hao
7. Fais
8. Wen Jie
9. Veronica
10. Eileen Goh
11. Hui Ting
12. Dean
13. Eileen Tay
14. Atiqah
15. Davin
16. Zul (ADSS)
17. Mr Z
18. Irene
19. Dominic Wang
20. Jingquan
21. Alvin Lee
22. Athari
23. Fu Yan
24. Rui Xin
25. LY
26. Wan Li
27. Kit
28. Hafiz
29. Chris
30. Jian Shen
31. Tania
32. Yong Ling

Thanks for being there for me when i needed. With you guys around, i'm not alone (:


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