Dec 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Recently i've just upgraded my phone to BlackBerry Bold 9700 pardon me for my poor quality of photo cause BB's camera is only 3.2mp. The previous phone i had was 8mp so ya. It's not as sharp as the usual phone.

Today i went to church at aljunied for christmas service, didn't want to be late and want to there early but in the end i reach at 5pm while the service was at 5pm.

Suppose to meet Dean to go to church together but his leg was swollen and so he couldn't make it so i had to go there myself. I don't wish to be late or just nice reach there was because the seating arrangment was redesign to a way whereby latecomers comes into the church, everyone will look at you. LOL!?! The arrangment is only for today.

But still i went in at 5pm.

I enjoy myself i presume. Chat with a few friends over there and join them for a buffet cater dinner at level 1.

Went up to level 3 later on after we ate our dinner, and chatted at the rainbow room. They was cam whoring, i was lying on the floor and stared blankly onto the spot light which was the photo i took and shown on the top of the post.

Today's christmas wasn't as great as last year i couldn't rmb what i did for last year but i just felt that this year christmas wasnt as exciting. Hmm. Maybe it's myself. I've changed.

Anticipating My birthday on 27 Dec 2009.


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