Jun 20, 2009

PAYM Tea Session

Yesterday after PVSIG Meeting i went to the gym to train my arms and chest, benjamin and jia yi was there. Didn't stay there long, jus like half an hour. But this half an hour let me do 15 sets of pull down and 10 sets of chest. Cool right? haha.. i know, because my hand damn pain now, cause i did 35Kg one. imagine you doing that, 1 sets 10 time, 15 sets 150 times.

After gym, went to bath then took the train to lavendar, cos having this tea session with paym, i mass send to all my friends to regards on this networking tea session, they can get to know more people like the chairman,directors and stuff but a few reply the rest jus simply ignored. Actually it's their lost.

I admit i was very angry, because majorities never reply me, then why i send the message for? and i told myself i shall not inform any other events to you guys anymore. Then i think back again? why should i even be angry?

my lao gong even apologise on his blog, but should i even care? hmm..

The networking session was quite useful in a way, you get to know more people and next time you need help you can actually approach them. The experience shared during the tea session kind of touch me. And i learned alot during the tea session.

Next coming up, closing ceremony for the NYC Camp, Lao gong is invited because he went to chek jawa with us, it's up to him to find out, i'm not msging him at the moment.

Later going to national stadium to pick up my ayg uniform, which i donno eileen goh is accompanying me to go anot? hmm, i just woke up after 11 hours of sleep, yesterday was playing Dota with lim han till like 2am plus. Haven had anything, kind of hungry too. Oh and ya, i receive the variety show shots, jus 5 of them, and i was like totally unglam la, i donno i should share the photo anot? lol...


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