May 18, 2006

Being**[PUNK] today??

today we have physical education then those who failed fitness test must retest. those who never failed play their own games, only two person failed 2.4km run me and another person in the class and other class got other people**i started to run at 0954 after 1 and a half run i reached the main gate at 1000 sharp** and i needed to run another round.. i reached the main gate and ran toward my friend..i look at my watch 10.07 and 49sec.they was talking and my friend saw me so she ran towards me and ask me the timing but i don't no cause the teacher never tell me the timing then she ask one of the teacher the teacher say it is not him that record my timing.. i just felt to tired to speak anything so i went to drink some water at the water cooler and then rest at the bench and after that they told me my timing is 1550 i felt wierd cause i never walk that much and last time i walk so much 1 got 1415 but now 1550??? just could not believe it maybe the teacher make a mistake or something.. i just don't no maybe i'm just [punk] by somebody..


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