Two days stay in Community Welfare Service Hospital is a whole new level of experience in India especially when there's power cut.
I always see it happens in movie but never really experience myself where the hospital is totally black out. In a room with saline attached to your hand, you have no where to go but to stay in the dark and enclosed room.
It's not any fun experience when you are alone there in the room. A third eye guy in a dark room, doesn't sound any good to me. But thank god, nothing happen.
Something even more scarier, the medicine given to me was like WOW. There was 5 big bottles of drip and 4 small bottles of Drip and that does not include the medicine jab they giving me. Normally they will inject the medicine into the bottles and drip slowly into your body, but here it's way different. They will take the medicine first and inject into the syringe, then after mix with the saline then inject directly to your hand.
The Injections brings you to a whole new level
The feeling is like, you have a bleeding wound on your hand and someone rub it with SALT on that wound of yours, that's the feeling i get whenever my blood clot on the pipe and the sister inject the medicine into the pipe through my hand directly. Sometimes if the sister is kind enough they will rub your hand to make you feel better, if the sister is in a bad mood she will just inject into the pipe and push it using 1000% of her energy which happens to me two times. And there's one time it was so pain i couldn't differentiate wheather i'm talking in my mind or using my mouth, i simple utter 'Fcuk' and the next moment the sister ask bada bhai: He scolding his father?
This has been going on for the past 2 days. I was suppose to only admit for a day but the doctor came again in the evening and check on me, and i was asked to stay for another day with more drip of course.
Himanshu Baghel, Nikhil Singh, Ashesh Raghav, Pitoshe Sumi, Akshat Shah, Keshav Singh, Kundan Kumar, and Anjana thanks for coming to visit me in the hospital, i appreciate alot especially Keshav Bada bhai, you came and stay in the room to take care of me, whenever the sister came into the room in the middle of the night, you will be awake from your sleep to see what's happening and I felt the bada bhai's love for me. Thanks. Chotu love you.
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