Jul 18, 2009

Sporty Event

Today went to Joo Chiat YEC to participate in their Sporty event. Organise by a church near our CC.

Me, Eileen, Veron, Elizabeth went to participate in the event.

The first program we participated was amazing race around Joo Chiat. We were the first team to report so we start first and third team start after 5 mins interval. The first clue we received was a mosque picture, and the first thing that comes to Eileen's mind was this mosque is at jalan eunos. So, we walk to jalan eunos which was ard 7-9 bus stops and in the end it's not there. It's in Joo Chiat itself.

First team to go, but last team to come back. hais. lol!?! but i think after this amazing race, we know more abt Joo Chiat. LOL!?!

Even though we are the last team, but we still got a gift, it's a frisbee. (:

Next Event we participate was Captain ball, as usual i'm the catcher,cause i'm good at catching the Captain ball. So i was a catcher.

First round, we won, 9 and the opponent team got 8 points. We went into semifinals.

Then the next two team continue to play. There's this guy team, they are really strong, and one guy inside was like so big and tall, he can like block the ball which just a fling and catch the ball with just a jump. Damn strong. The one and only thing in our mind was don fight with them during semi final, at least fight with them during final.

The four groups going into the semi final have to find one representative to play 'o.ya.bei.ya.som' to see who versus who? and i send veron down, cause i don't dare to face them. LOL!?! and you know what? We versus the strong guy team. lol!?!

The referee was quite biased towards us, cause he know it's not fair, so we are given a chance to like chose who is the goal keeper and catcher for their team. And in the end we chose the big guy to be the catcher.

First round was so sucky, he manage to catch the ball from my side all the way to his side by his goal keeper throwing ball to him. But i also not bad, manage to catch a few ball with the tactics lol!?!

Then during one of the ball, i forgotten who throw to me, it was 205 degree beside me, i stretch out my hand and manage to touch the ball and kind of control it, but i lose my balance, i fell off from the chair and landed on my left arm. For my friend who know me, i have dislocated history with my left arm and the hit was quite strong. I felt the numbness at that particular moment, and my left hand have no power at all, i can't crunch properly but i never give up, i pick myself up and cont to stand on the chair to play.

But in the end we lose. 14-4

we got 4 points out of their 14 points. After the game everybody started to ask me am i ok? am i alright? even from the opponent's team. I'm ok, not that pain, but i felt the bone shifted after the game, when i bend my left arm i can see the bone shifted. gosh, need to go hospital tomorrow to fix that. Meanwhile i cannot move my left arm too much as instructed by her.

Even though we never won the first prize in the captain ball, but the winner team are willing to share their prize with us. It's a pair of $89 crocs shoe each. So cool right? haha, i'm going to change the size and design next week.


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