BBQ at elania's condo.. Belinda,Mei and Veron..
that's me and veron..
Eileen and Fedora..
cam whoring.. hahas..

one of the guy playing tennis..

Veron and Elania..

i look like a malay guy right in this photo..hahas..

Me and Mei

and the three of us.. i look like some kind of darlie commercial right? hahas..

and the eaters.. hahas..

Friends forever.. BFF..
and he is the main character.. hahas..though he is not in the BBQ..but when he appear in the court..everyone was like.. wah..topless ang mo..hahas.. and he is fart guo ren..
hmm.. in the near end of the BBQ, someone brought cakes..cos it's kit tat's gf birthday.. and he was forced to confess his love.. and kiss, kiss, kiss, still kiss.. hahas..
here's the video..
Happy Birthday..
confession of love
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