Alexandra Hospital..
that's where i am this morning.. yst afternoon someone from the hospital called me and informed me that my appt time has been changed to 8.55am instead of 10am.. so i reach the hospital ard 8.39am..
Register and started to wait infront of Room 22..
however hmm.. i saw my slip there wrote appointment time 10am.. which was so crap i went to ask the nurse and the nurse check for me..then after checking they told me that my appointment time in the system is 10am..Wth!?!
ard hmm 9.15am the doctor came into the room.. then started to call a person's name..
Doc: "Gary Ong, Gary Ong"
No one answer.. i was thinking is it me? but my surname is Mo..
then the doctor change, and call another person's name..
after the first patient, a nurse call my name..gary right? i say yes..
the doc explain that he called me, i told him.. but you call the wrong surname..he somehow realise.. then started to ask what happen to my hand and stuff..
i told him, last time i had dislocated my left arm two times..he ask me where i see the doctor.. i told him sinseh..
then he started to ask me where is the pain.. and he somehow figure out my left arm and right arm is different.. different as in the angle.. then he send me to the X-ray.. went to the X-ray department.. hand in my doc and wait for my turn from 3 person in queue to 10 person.. i waited and waited..till i fall asleep..cos i wake up quite early.. when i started to feel not so tire, i start to worry whether my name has been call? then i went to the counter to check, she say my doc is inside.. so i went to sit nearer to the station..
sat down not long after my name was called..and i had my X-ray..
after X-ray i went back to the doc.. then the doc start to look at the X-ray on his computer.. uses some software to measure the angle and degree of my bone.. and final decision.. i got vague bone.. so the doc wrote me a Memo to inform My Ns Checkup doc.. so i have to bring down on 29 october..
The doc say i will be permanently take out from doing Pull up and Push up..
after all the check up i went to my grandma's house.. had my lunch there.. help her clean her fan and wash the toilet for her.. though i have no energy on my left hand but still help..cos she so old..cannot bend down..and the toilet was real dirty man..
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