watch rachael ray today.. saw they talked abt american's first sextuplet..
It's been 14 years since Brenna, Quinn, Adrian, Claire, Ian and Julian made headlines as America's first sextuplets. Now Rachael catches up with them as they're about to enter high school! Rach asks the kids, "Do you like doing everything in a gruop and being part of a gang?" Brenna admits, "Yeah, but sometimes it's not very much fun." Adrian and Julian sum up the best and worst thing about being a sextuplet: "You’re never alone."
After being home schooled for the last several years, the kids are entering public school and would like to show off their individual personalities. Their dad says this move toward self-expression is a new thing. "We could put whatever clothes we wanted on them," says Keith. "But as they've gotten older, especially recently, they're really particular about the type of clothes they wear. They want to be their own individual." Their mom Becki confers. "Now they just have to decide, 'How am I going to express myself to my peers?' so when people see them, they know exactly which Dilley they want to try to connect with."
According to Becki, "We’ve never dressed them alike except maybe once or twice. We've always encouraged them to find their own fashion, but they have a tendency to get the same type of things, because it's just easier for me to buy four of the something for the boys and two matching items for the girls." In order to help the kids branch out and explore their unique personalities through their clothes, Rach sends them on a shopping spree to JCPenneys with her fasion buddy Gretta!
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