I failed my BTT.. Cos i totally no Mood to do it..
today end work at 1pm..cos i have test at 3pm.. but in the end..i didn't make it... yup..after work i went straight to take the train then i took bus.. 187 to go directly...
after the test..took the bus back to cwp.. i ask jocelyn and ant out to watch movies...
i watch thew movie named : WANTED
it's nice..i enjoy myself..after i reached causeway i went to buy the tiks first.. i scare no tickets..i manage to get the tickets..
5.15pm.. as usual the two of themwas late.. they reach ard 5.23pm..but still luckily we catch up.. once we went in they started the movie..
after the movie..i accompanied them to have their dinner..then we went to civil mac to talk.. chatted till ard 9 plus then we went back.. now i'm tire.. my mind cannot think.. anyway update more tmr..
the movie rating : 4/5
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