Jun 27, 2008


As usual went to work today.. wake up ard 6.30am.. sleep quite early yst.. but today woke up..my throat abit not well le..

Reach Raffles Hospital ard 8.05am.. msg Paul to ask him where is he? hmm..today he was late.. he reach the work place ard 8.35am..but i waited for him downstair..

work work work..today i've alot of work to do.. Email,contact staffs,microsoft Excel etc..

Today went with my colleague to have lunch..you know what? they are so indecisive.. now i know even Corp ppl do that..lol..

we went over to Golden Landmark thinking of eating the halah Western food..but no table.. and only two wanna eat chinese food.. so cannot share table..then they went to Singapore Zam zam..thinking of eating there..but it's Prayer time.. they close for a while..So we have to go back to Golden landmark.. in the end we eat at golden Land mark.. i ate cheesy Black Pepper Steak for lunch today.. was damn full..

Day was alright.. still feeling quite Down.. Donno why..hmm.. just do my work to forget everything..


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