I've no mood to blog today..but i will just write a few things here..hmm..my head is spinning.. my body is sweating.. my blood is boiling.. my gosh.. this sickness really came at a wrong time..
From the day where i had my sickness till now i ate 11 panadol already..and i'm still like this? wth!?! i thought that new type of panadol can help? that's how the commerical was suppose to be.. it's all fake.. why am i still on flu?
Nose stuck.. voice change.. Head felt the giddiness..i've no mood to do anything.. tmr i still have to meet my friend 0630am cos we need to get to west coast park for the navy attachment.. i hope i can get over it tmr and the next day..
Dear2 is going to genting tmr's morning ard 4am.. i hope that dear2 got a safe trip there and a safe trip back.. take care ya dear2..without me ard must really take care of yourself.. i will miss you lots.. be back soon ya.. love you..
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