Jun 29, 2008


Today stay at home the whole afternoon.. was packing my wardrobe and packing my computer table.. it was so messy... i throw away alot of papers and asignment..which belong to last yr...

Took a nap in the afternoon.. not feeling so well.. got flu etc..

went to popular today.. decided to buy the BTT 350 qns.. long queue today..went to accompany Fang Kwok for his dinner..chatted on the movies..etc..

then met Zi Qing for SUPPER today.. not really supper..it's my dinner..never had my lunch.. went to Mac..Tania came along after she finish her stuff with her friends at Causeway..then went over to the Chatting place to chat..some where near Civil Centre..till ard 11 plus then we went off..

Actually today supposely shuld go to Cineleisure to watch midnight de..but no Midnight to watch..as told by one of my friend..so ya..never went..

Suddenly feel like watch Don't Mess with Zohan..seem nice.. hehe* alright..take care guys.. ;)


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