May 16, 2008

Bangkok..~the love of Siam

Before i Proceed telling you guys my Bangkok trip i would like to intro you my Burberry Sheep Name 'Yang Yang' hahas..i brought him to BANGKOK.. ok.. i wont talk much here.. i will just let you guys enjoy the pics i took.. there is still more..i see if i'm able to post all anot.. but meanwhile just bear with all the photos ya.. Allthe photos are took by my Z370 Camera Phone

In Terminal 2.. one of the restaurant..saw this board sign.. stating our class.. ISC.. oh my goodness.. ISC ROCKS..!! :)

We shouldn't have brought Heineken there..cos we can buy's way cheaper..but still they brought.. and also two bottle of red wines..

this is my Meal on the plane.. Prawn Rice..Not bad.. btw i have already board the plane.. at 1530pm..

Yeah..Red Wine.. :)
I love it man..hehe..

and here we go..this is Bangkok airport..

look at the dangerous..hmm..It's not raining season..but it rains at bangkok..the typhoon at mymmar somehow affects the weather there..

No durian..~

You know what? hahas.. i soak on this bath tub.. hahas..

this is where we stay.. The twin tower hotel.. quite nice..comfortable..friendly.. kind.. good service.. affordable price.. food is nice..just that there is a lack in entertainment facilities.. :P

A half day tour.. we paid 100baht.. which is ard 3 plus singapore dollar..we went to a boat..looking ard..alight and pray at one of the temple..

that's the temple..

looks luxourious..

saw two cats climbing the tree..temp me to took down their photo..the cats there doesn't scare us..and they are very friendly too.. :)

that's my bro.. but don care abt him.. look at the other's actually a muslim mosque..hmm.. wonderful isn't it? to see other religious here? hmm..there a close up below..

Look carefully you will see fishes.. we was ask to buy a loaf of bread to feed the fishes..the fish is actually breed by the monks in the temple.. in the sea..there is only one white fish..and was told by them that..if we see the white fish..we are lucky..and you know what? we saw it.. i actually took a guys can see it too..the video is below..

this is the muslim mosque..

after that we went to a Gem factory..

before we went in..we was brought to this dark watch the video clip..

Thailand is famous for their Gems..nice?

No photos are actually allow here..:P

ok..this pic you can see is clearly..i think you guys have to be there to see it..i went to this honey place.. and to test weather the honey is pure can take one scoop of honey..put it on the plate.. put some water..and roll a few can see a hive on the plate..

This is Mbk..we went to shop here..

we had our lunch at this MK Restaurant..

this woman..she is good..she can really socialise with us man.. hahas.. and she likes gold..everything is gold.. even her phoone is gold..hahas..

saw this in the toilet..the paper so to use less?lol..

does this look like a dog poo? hahas.. ppl call this dog poo pork

the next day we went to pot pom.. where the 4 face buddha is there..

there is a pot of water here..for ppl to wash themself with blessing..

there is dancer there can actually hire them to dance and chat..2 dancer is 260baht..4 dancer is 360baht..6dancer is 610baht..8 dancer is 710baht.. we hire 8 dancers..

LV..all the branded shop just across the road..

christian dior

this is central world..looks like vivo city..

that's me.. hahas..i brought this shirt.. it's nice.. :)

sawak de krap.. :)

that's me..sawak de krap..

a thailand family playing bingo game..look so warm hearted..

the traffic.. in thailand is terrible.. you will sure get traffic jam somewhere at night..

that's a tuk-tuk..

If Bell sees this..what reaction would you think she will make? argh!?! so cute cokroach.. lol..

jam somewhere in the middle of the road..

we went back to the tell the god we are leaving..the temple is so's in the middle of the shopping

they moving the elephant in a very traditional method..

walking to MBK..

My fav shop..hehe..

Siam Paragon..

looks like vivo city? ahahs..

I am Siam, ARE YOU?

Thailand have this in every shopping centre.. the spot check machine..we should have this check on terrorist..

have my hair cut there.. though they wanted to give me a nicer haircut but still i think this is nice.. :P

Not forgetting to work

A condom machine in a guys' toilet? hmm.. for convience use? it cost 10-20baht for one condom..which means s$0.40 for

kind of rude though..hmm..

we are leaving...

saw this.. one of the branded stuff..but when you put the name together sound a

Yeah..i brought The love of Siam VCD & Cd..hehe.. :)


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