Tomorrow is racial harmony day which is 21st july...but we celebrated it today..teachers wearing different clothes...last time i can still remember they encourage us to wear different cultures clothes but now no more its actually quite a waste cause last year here in the school and next time there will be no more celebration like this..but we were told not to wear..haha..what a weird talk to 'him' for four days..from what i can remember last time when i comes to school i would always talk to 'him'..he will joke with me too..of course msn will also talk for a while now everything has changed..not like last time..then today at tech hub having DNT lesson one of the student came to me and say "the teacher say you finished working drawing can lend me" why must it be me, why cannot other friends..i insist of not lending i told him "he also have it!!!!" he took the other friends folio and scold me said i very selfish, selfish ppl would not have friend..I don care what he say..i can't be the way his attitude sucks too..i don like him the way i never treat him as friend [tak malu]..why must i borrow..i sick and tire of the advantage you all took from me..sick and tire of all the all wan it go find it yourself..and as for the person that scolded me today let me give you an advice go out and you talk like this see who die first..i think the person will be you.. and by the way alot of people detest you..don't you know..reflect upon yourself..whatever... [no mood] [throw away all the sad
can SAID THAT ITS happy moments..afternoon we went to the hall to celebrate the racial harmony days..teachers walking fashion show, students too have their part in it.. the most happiest thing is that there was a show on different culture by 3 ppl from drama club not the school one.. the way they perform was so friend and i watched till we laugh and fromthe laughing we cried..there was one part where by they sing the christmas song they change to five pack of muack chi [ flour cake with peanuts] and one jiam tao lo ti [ the long long bread from delifrance] its really funny...haha..
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