May 30, 2005

What i Had Done That All of u HaTe me..

yup... after seeing the thing in four 'N' two i felt very helpless lol.. wat to do in primary school is like this in sec skool is also like this... wat for.. i also donno they give 'him' a chance but why not me... maybe he is seducive lol i donno i was once his friend and not just friend but friend that hear each other problem..because of this freaking guy it causes us to break our friendship.. i wanted to save this friendship but it was too late... when i found out that someone is harss me is because of certain problem...and that problem only 'he' knew it without thinking i call him i scolded him after finish wat i had to say i hang up the phone..after hanging up my sense came up.. and i was thinking is it him did i scold the wrong person... i call back.. but he did not pick up... i say its too late already... he is the same calss as me.. we did not talk can you imagine we did not talkk for 1 year.. just sometime when my friends tok to him then i will try to speak to him.. and sometime he answer only in other occasion i never talk to him... but wat he do to me... he gossip abt me.. he hurt me.. saying me spreading me... wat can i do noting.. i never say anything and just let him insult me.. let him gossip abt me.. let him... i let him everything wat do he really wan... wan me to quit skool...


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