Nov 13, 2009


Yesterday was a normal day for me, it's been rainy for the past 3 days already even when the afternoon was a real hot day filled with Sunlight. And late afternon it will start to rain.

Felt a sleep while doing OOP last night, but i manage to finish it when i reach the school as FMS was a two hour class but ended at the first hour. I actually don't quite like the FMS teacher, he just carry on like he's the only one understanding while the rest is not catching up. The lecture is the same thing, the teacher just like blabbering according to the slides. Hmm. I think i just have to go to library and study on this FMS.

I've officially joined business ideas together with Wan Li, Lim Han, Irene, Eileen and Shuan. Haven drafted out our executive summary but soon i think. Still waiting for our mentor to reply, he's quite busy. Hopefully he can submit it fast.


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