Jul 16, 2005

Prelim..starting..'n' level oral examination had start...

very fast...and things were all controlled..me just keep revising in the library for my coming examination and all were going on well..but school not so well..got into rumours by others..but hack care abt them just continue with my things and can't be bother with this type of atrocious and ridiculous ppl...nw 'n' level coming but still can see ppl playing soccer or just play and not study..quite 'worried' for them...but since they wan it that way so let them be it lol...its not of my concern also...just a few days ago..i went counselling with the new counseller in school... we talk abt alot of things talk abt studies talk of things in life..and i couldn't stop because we were so concentrate in our talking and no matter how we talk it seem to be alot of subject..amen.. to the counseller..and last but not least i just finish my 'n' level oral examination(english) at 1st it was quite scary and me also try to clam myself down by telling some jokes.. after i finish my english oral...i felt relieve be cos its over...


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